Raj Sahu

I work for a Dutch company so having some understanding of Dutch is needed for my job. I've done a business Dutch course in the office - and that went well - but still when talking with colleagues, we just switch to English after a few minutes. It's very frustrating and it felt it was a seen as a bad mark against me. My colleagues who have Dutch partners and children feel much more comfortable speaking Dutch.
Then a colleague suggested I try these online very short courses to brush up one troublesome topic at a time. It's been very useful. As an analyst I like to identify a problem then solve it. These chapters do not waste my time but go directly to the point  so I can read them on the train on my tablet.  I sometimes repeat a chapter until it fully sinks in. It's been like a magic bullet for me, going directly to the places where I need help. Very useful. Thank you.

Raj Sahu, Rotterdam
February 2014


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28 vragen over de Nederlandse taal en cultuur.

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Natuurlijk hebben we tijdens de trainingen ook oog voor verschillen in cultuur. Dus je leert niet alleen hoé je iets zegt in het Nederlands, maar ook wát je zegt in een bepaalde situatie.

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