Caroline Eliot

It seems like I have been learning Dutch for ever! I've got to a standard where I can get by but can't seem to get much further. Sometimes I get really enthusiastic and buy the text book of the moment - I've now got a shelf full of text books with only the first chapters done!  I know my Dutch is OK though I have weak points that need addressing - but that's not how lessons or text books work.
I was Googling and stumbled on these short, targeted  lessons on Plezier in Taal and I have found them really useful - and have actually now worked my way through most of them. It was a bit like spring-cleaning a house! Tackling the whole house is just too daunting but by concentrating on one room at a time, it all fell into place with surprising little effort.
After years of bumping along at my basic standard in Dutch, by concentrating on one topic at a time I have been able to spot fix my weak points. I took the test on this web-site to pin-point where my faults are and then chose the lessons I needed. I found the modules on spelling and the dreaded 'de' and 'het' the most useful for me. I had always struggled with them.

Caroline Eliot, Norfolk, UK

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Hoeveel weet je al van de Nederlandse taal?

28 vragen over de Nederlandse taal en cultuur.

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Natuurlijk hebben we tijdens de trainingen ook oog voor verschillen in cultuur. Dus je leert niet alleen hoé je iets zegt in het Nederlands, maar ook wát je zegt in een bepaalde situatie.

Meer weten?

Ik stel het zeer op prijs als je contact met mij opneemt. Vul hiervoor het contactformulier in. Je kunt me ook bellen op nummer 06-16 51 00 78.